
From the shallows to the deep - 2011

[NSW] South Coast

A fishing adventure which starts in knee deep estuarine water and ventures out to over 1000 fathoms of ocean.

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1 Photos Tags Shallow deep knee deep estuarine water

In search of Sawfish - 2011

[WA] Kimberley

Is it a shark, is it a fish? Rob ventures into the Kimberley’s to track down this unique prehistoric predator, a rare species that can grow up to 20 feet long, characterised by a long snout lined with chainsaw like teeth.

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1 Photos Tags Sawfish chainsaw like teeth

Barramundi Dreaming - 2011

[WA] East Kimberley

Rob tracks down some of the country’s top indigenous anglers before venturing deep into the Kimberley in search of most famous sportfish, the barramundi.

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1 Photos Tags Barramundi Home Valley sportfish

Fishing with The Wiggles - 2011

[NSW] Botany Bay

Host Rob Paxevanos takes the Wiggles out for a fun day of fishing.

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1 Photos Tags The Wiggles Botany Bay

The Coral Coast Kid - 2011

[WA] Exmouth

Rob fishes Western Australia’s Coral Coast with pint sized 8 year old Hayden Michaels who holds state and national billfish records. 

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1 Photos Tags Billfish Spangled Emperor

Off the Hook - 2011

[NT] Tiwi Islands

Rob travels to the Tiwi Islands with fishing fanatic Andy Warton who started the “Off the Hook” program uniting local police with indigenous kids through their commonly loved pastime of fishing.

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1 Photos Tags Tiwi Islands

Available on iTunes

View and Purchase episodes from the last 3 series of Fishing Australia on iTunes.
